
Nix with; with Nickel

24 January 2023 — by François Caddet

Tweag is a big supporter and user of Nix and NixOS. In our experience, however, we have seen that it is hard to maintain a Nix codebase as it grows. Indeed, the only way to know if a Nix expression is correct is to evaluate it, and when an error occurs it can be hard to locate the root cause. This is more of a problem with bigger codebases, such as the ones we write.

At Tweag, we are working on Nickel, a configuration language featuring a gradual type system. Defining Nix derivations, NixOS modules or flakes using Nickel would catch more mistakes, catch them earlier and identify their precise location.

However, the Nix language is used to define more than 80,000 packages,1 to which one could add all flakes, NixOS modules and Home Manager configurations. For all this historical effort to not go to waste, Nickel code needs to be able to leverage Nixpkgs.

We can either make Nix able to call Nickel code, or the other way around. We chose the latter: make the Nickel interpreter able to evaluate Nix code. Indeed, making Nix evaluate Nickel code would negate its benefits, namely, its error reporting, the integrated documentation and the nice way records are merged with priorities.

This comes with several technical challenges. One being the handling of the widely used, yet controversial, with construct.

In this blog post, we’ll explain the challenges of calling Nix from Nickel, specifically for expressions which use the with construct.

The challenge of calling Nix from Nickel

Evaluating Nix presents two contradictory challenges. On the one hand, calling Nix from Nickel should be done without breaking the safety provided by the Nickel type system. Nix is dynamically typed, but one purpose of the gradual type system of Nickel is precisely to make statically typed code and dynamically typed code interact gracefully. On the other hand, we want to update the core of Nickel only when strictly necessary, because Nickel is not limited to targeting Nix and NixOS. Fortunately, Nickel is almost a superset of Nix, so a balance between these objectives can be found.

To evaluate Nix expressions in Nickel, we can use either an FFI or code translation (a.k.a. transpilation). We decided to go for the latter: translating Nix code into Nickel code, which can then be evaluated. Indeed, since the Nix and Nickel languages are built on similar foundations (loosely, a lazy JSON with functions), translating from Nix’s AST to Nickel’s is almost seamless. Such translation also allows us to implement special features specific to this use case. For instance, Nixpkgs annotates types as comments for most of its functions, so we could infer types from these. Moreover, we estimated that implementing an FFI system would be too complex for what we wanted to achieve here. Thus, we made a Nix to Nickel transpiler.

However, some constructions weren’t so straightforward to translate:

  • the inherit keyword (which will probably be one of the Nix constructs added to Nickel’s core.2), and

  • the with keyword.

In addition, none of the standard library built-ins can be evaluated at the moment, as most of them don’t have an equivalent in Nickel.

Nix with is useful, but confusing

In Nix, the with keyword is used to bring all the fields of a record in scope.

Let’s consider a simple Nix expression.

{ pkgs, ... }:

  packages = [

As you can see, all the elements of the list are accessed via pkgs. This looks quite repetitive, and is arguably harder to read. We can use with to make it clearer.

{ pkgs, ... }:

  packages = with pkgs; [

Such Nix expressions can be found anywhere, from Nixpkgs to your own NixOS configuration. Thanks to the with construct, you don’t have to prefix each item with pkgs.. That is quite convenient.

So what could be the issue here?

At first, one might think that the with construct is syntactic sugar that statically prepends record field access (here pkgs.) to some identifiers. Unfortunately, the way it actually works is more complex than that.

To demonstrate some possible issues, let’s look at a more complex Nix expression.

 env = {
    linux = {name = "linux-env";};
    system = {name = "system-env";};
  lib = {
    linux = {name = "linux-lib";};
    systemd = {name = "systemd-lib";};
  linux = "x86_64_linux_gnu";

with env; {
  system =;
  deps = with lib; [

What would this evaluate to? Try to think about it, then check the answer below.

 env = {
    linux = {name = "linux-env";};
    system = {name = "system-env";};
  lib = {
    linux = {name = "linux-lib";};
    systemd = {name = "systemd-lib";};
  linux = "x86_64_linux_gnu";

with env; {
  system =; # "system-env"
  deps = with lib; [
    linux        # We get the one defined in `let`, not lib.linux,
                 # which is "x86_64_linux_gnu"
    system       # It's a typo! We wanted lib.systemd, but we get
                 # env.system instead of an error

Did you get it right? Probably not!

When with blocks are nested, the behaviour can be confusing.3

Finally, as you may have noticed, we can’t know before evaluation which field contains the record passed to with. This is due to Nix’s dynamic typing. Because of this behaviour, we encounter something that looks like standard (static) variable access, but in reality, is dynamic record access. In code where one would expect “unbound variable” errors, Nix will instead throw runtime errors that are generally tricky to debug.4 Moreover, these errors cannot be caught by an LSP, so they cannot be shown in a code editor. For the same reason, we can’t provide auto-completion hints within a with block, at least not without hacks that perform evaluations.

Transpiling with to Nickel

Because of the problems explained above, the Nickel team decided to not implement any with-like operator in the interpreter. At least not with the exact same behaviour. Regardless, for compatibility with Nix, we should find a way to evaluate it anyway.

What we propose in this article, which will be implemented in the near future, is a mix of Nickel code generation and compatibility function calls. To detail this, step-by-step, let’s revisit our simple example from earlier:

{ pkgs, ... }:

  packages = with pkgs; [

This will be translated to something like:

fun { pkgs, .. } =>

  packages = [
    compat.with [pkgs] "firefox",
    compat.with [pkgs] "thunderbird",
    compat.with [pkgs] "libreoffice",

You will notice two things on the compat.with call:

  1. The array [pkgs] is the first parameter. We will detail why later, but it has to do with nested with.

  2. The field being looked for is passed as a string and not a static identifier. That’s because, at parse time, we can’t know which record contains which fields. Indeed, in Nickel, every variable access is checked statically; the usage of an identifier instead of a string here would throw an “unbound variable” error.

An implementation of the compat.with function might look like:

  : Array {_: Dyn} -> Str -> Dyn
  = fun envs field => (
    array.fold (fun current acc =>
      if !acc.found && record.has_field field current
      then { value = current."%{field}", found = true}
      else acc
  ) {found = false, value = null} envs).value

The function folds on the first parameter, envs, which is an array of with records. This array has to be ordered from the outermost to the innermost with block; the outermost being the head of the array. This order is justified because the more internal a with, the higher its priority. Please note that fold is a right folding. If multiple records contain field, the rightmost one is returned by the fold, that is, the innermost one. In the case where none of them have this field, the initial value of fold ({found = false}) is returned. Finally, we try to access the field value. This last access operation will differ in the final implementation: it will probably use a contract application to assert on found.

This operation will fail only if {} is returned. In other words, only if none of the records in envs contain the required field.

That’s all for the stuff that happens at runtime.

For what is done at parse time, we have:

  • let-defined variables,
  • functions parameters, and
  • fields inside a recursive record.

Let’s revisit our more complicated example:

{ env, lib, ... }:

linux = "x86_64_linux_gnu";

with env; {
  system =;
  compatible = system == linux;
  deps = with lib; [

It will be translated as follows, during the parse phase:5

let env = {
  linux = {name = "linux-env"},
  system = {name = "system-env"},

let lib = {
  linux = {name = "linux-lib"},
  systemd = {name = "systemd-lib"},

let linux = "x86_64_linux_gnu" in

let _with_ = compat.with [env] in
  # NOTE Even though records, in Nickel, are recursive by default,
  # the record in this AST is not.

  # No var named "system" found, so substitute by a call to __with__
  system = (_with_ "system").name,

  deps = let _with_ = compat.with [env, lib] in [
    linux,              # Nickel statically found a defined var named "linux" so didn't substitute
    _with_ "system",  # "system" isn't found in lib so it takes the env field

To perform this translation in our Rust implementation, we pass around two extra things: a list of in-scope variables, and a stack of with records. The first is updated by inserting the identifiers when entering any of:

  • a let binding body,
  • a function definition, or
  • a recursive record.

When leaving these blocks, the list has to be reset to the state it was in before entering. The with stack is updated during a with block translation: we push the identifier at the beginning and pop it at the end.

Finally, for each variable translation, we perform these steps:

  1. We check the existence of the variable identifier in the list of variables. If we find one, or if the with stack is empty, the variable is translated to a Nickel variable.

  2. If the variable has not been defined before, and if the with stack is not empty, the variable is translated to a compat.with call with the with stack as its first parameter, and the identifier stringified as its second.

By checking the with stack as described above, we keep the undefined variable errors at type checking time when we are not in a with block. This is more or less how Nix evaluates with inside its interpreter. We only rewrite the static part into Rust and the runtime one with Nickel.

The future of with in Nickel

As we discussed, Nickel cannot avoid the use of dynamic fields access to emulate Nix with. So then, what could a Nickel-friendly with look like? Moreover, given Nickel’s type system and the fact that it already has a way to destructure records, do we really want a Nickelized with?

Remember the two main issues regarding Nix with:

  • shadowing or, more accurately, not shadowing of already-defined variables; and
  • the fact that the variables made available by with are unknown statically.

To handle the first issue we could make with overload already-defined variables. Alternatively, we could throw an error if we call with on a record containing a field that shares a name with a variable in scope. Without knowing the fields of the record, the first option remains confusing, while the second is not possible.

In Nickel, the only way to know for sure that a record contains a field is to rely on the type checker. So a correct with can exist in Nickel only if it requires a statically typed record, where the fields we want to use must also be typed (e.g.: myrec: {field: Dyn, otherfield: Num}). Obviously, a type like {_: SomeType} does not respect this rule because fields are not statically defined.

That said, the use of a closed record contract is possible. In this case, we can see the contract as a dynamic cast. The power of this approach is to permit static typing and auto-completion in the with block. This goes a long way towards fulfilling the necessity of statically knowing every record’s fields, and focuses the possibility of evaluation errors to the position of the cast. These errors are clear enough (e.g. missing or extra fields). In this manner, a Nickel with would behave like an import or an open in languages with statically typed modules (Rust, OCaml, Haskell, etc.).


This is only the beginning of the Nix/Nickel story. For now, Nickel is only able to evaluate Nix expressions which do not use any standard built-ins or inherit, and the error reporting is not always as detailed as Nix’s.

The question of Nickel with is far from settled. It is clearly useful, when we need to bring a lot of fields from a record into scope, but the requirement for types may only end up moving the extra code to the type annotation, from the destructuring pattern. Moreover, at least two proposals for Nix (RFC 110 and RFC 120) open the possibility of a future deprecation of with. Their proposed syntax is a better way to write the most common use case of with, so that may also be a direction that we consider for Nickel.

In summary, we are not totally rejecting the idea of a Nickel with, but ultimately, it will be really different from its Nix cousin.

  1. As of writing (2022-09-02). See
  2. See Nickel’s field punning proposal.
  3. See Nix issue #490 and #1361.
  4. For example, see Nixpkgs PR #101139 and, again, the with antipattern.
  5. Heads up: This is a print-out of the AST, which may differ from the result of parsing.

About the authors

François Caddet

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