
Making GHC faster at emitting code

22 December 2022 — by Alexis King

One common complaint from industrial users of Haskell is that of compilation times: they are sometimes painfully slow. Some of that slowness is difficult to avoid—no matter how you slice it, typechecking and optimizing Haskell code takes a lot of work—but nobody would argue that there is not ample room for improvement. For the past few months, Krzysztof Gogolewski and I have had the opportunity to work with Mercury to identify what some of those improvements might be, and I am pleased to report that our first major patch toward that end will be part of GHC 9.6.

For readers who just want the numbers, we’ve seen a 2–3% reduction in compile times and a 5–10% reduction in allocations, on average, for unoptimized builds,1 measured on a few large Haskell codebases. Due to the nature of the patch, some modules benefit much more than others. Remarkably, these gains come purely from targeted improvements to the mechanism by which GHC emits compiled code.

The mechanics of GHC code generation

When asked where GHC spends most of its time, the front- and middle-ends of the compiler would probably most readily come to mind for most GHC developers. After all, most of the really interesting bits of GHC are in the typechecker and Core-to-Core optimizer, and those are certainly where GHC does its cleverest work. Nevertheless, the backend is a rather essential part of any compiler, since at the end of the day, its main job is to produce an executable artifact.

As of version 9.6, GHC supports five backends: the native code generator (-fasm), the bytecode compiler (-fbyte-code), LLVM (-fllvm), JavaScript, and WebAssembly.2 The native code generator (NCG) is the default outside of GHCi, so it is used by the overwhelming majority of Haskell programs, and it is the backend targeted by our patch. As its name implies, the NCG generates architecture-specific native code: it lowers Haskell programs into one of x86, x86_64, AArch64, or PowerPC assembly.

However, the NCG does not itself produce binary object files. Instead, it generates textual assembly code and uses the system toolchain to assemble it into native code objects. This separation of labor means that GHC does not need to know anything about the binary structure of object files themselves, which vary from platform to platform even if they share the same underlying architecture. For example, Linux distributions use ELF, macOS uses Mach-O, and Windows uses PE, all of which are quite different even when the underlying architecture is the same. System-specific assemblers and linkers abstract over many of these differences, which allows the NCG to generate assembly in essentially the same format regardless of platform.

One implication of this design is that, in practice, the NCG spends a surprisingly large amount of its time writing ASCII text. The overhead of producing this text, versus producing a binary format, is fairly small—assembly language is infamously terse—but it is nevertheless crucial that GHC produce it as efficiently as possible. It is not uncommon for Haskell modules to generate megabytes worth of assembly, so even relatively small savings can rapidly add up.

Given that the task is both important and fairly simple—just write the mnemonic and arguments for each instruction—one would expect GHC to use a straightforward and efficient strategy, with I/O overhead dwarfing any computational cost. However, to my surprise, when I profiled the NCG and looked at where the time was being spent, an enormous amount of time and memory was spent printing code!

The problem: using the pretty-printer for code generation

Investigation into the implementation of the NCG revealed the source of the problem: GHC was using its internal SDoc abstraction to print assembly code. For readers unfamiliar with SDoc, it is an implementation of pretty-printing combinators in the style of John Hughes. The idea is fairly simple. A few basic constructor functions create the “atoms” of SDoc, with signatures such as the following:

empty :: SDoc
char  :: Char -> SDoc
text  :: String -> SDoc

These atoms can then be pasted together using composition operators like <>, which pastes two SDocs together horizontally, or $$, which pastes them together vertically. The key feature of SDoc is that it knows how to handle block indentation and line wrapping, both of which are particularly important when pretty-printing Haskell code. For example, consider the following interaction in GHCi:

ghci> not ["foo", "bar", "some really really really really really long string"]
<interactive>: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Bool’ with actual type ‘[String]’
    • In the first argument of ‘not’, namely
        ‘["foo", "bar",
          "some really really really really really long string"]’

Note how GHC automatically breaks the long list literal in the error message across two lines, and it knows that it can fit ["foo", "bar", together on the first line and that it should indent the continuation line by an additional space. This is all handled automatically when printing an SDoc: it keeps track of column position and can intelligently choose where to insert line breaks and indentation based on grouping structure. Most users only see this functionality used in warnings and error messages, but this automatic formatting is so useful that GHC uses SDoc pervasively to format debug output (such as the Core dumps produced by -ddump-simpl).

However, thoughtful readers will note that none of this functionality is remotely useful when generating assembly code. Though the details vary from architecture to architecture, the basic structure of assembly is consistent, and it usually looks roughly like this:

.globl M.f_info
.type M.f_info, @function
  leaq -24(%rbp),%rax
  cmpq %r15,%rax
  jb _blk_czP
  movq %r14,%rax
  movl $GHC.Num.$fNumInt_closure,%r14d
  movq $stg_ap_pp_info,-24(%rbp)
  movq %rax,-16(%rbp)
  movq $stg_INTLIKE_closure+273,-8(%rbp)
  addq $-24,%rbp
  jmp GHC.Num.+_info

Assembly language is an incredibly regular, line-oriented format that contains a single instruction, label, or assembler directive per line. Moreover, the assembly generated by GHC is exclusively intended for machine consumption, so any cycles spent at compile time trying to format it neatly are essentially wasted. As profiling GHC revealed, this cost is not just theoretical—using SDoc for code generation has a real and measurable performance impact:

  • Printing SDoc values always counts columns for every string printed so that it can implement its line-breaking machinery.

  • More significantly, since SDoc is designed to handle nested expression structure, every SDoc is represented internally as a tree, which must be allocated when it is constructed and subsequently walked when it is printed.

  • GHC doesn’t actually allocate a giant SDoc tree for each basic block before printing it because SDoc values are actually constructed lazily, which means the assembly printing is effectively streamed. But this is in some sense even worse, because it means constructing each SDoc value allocates numerous thunks, all of which are soon forced anyway.

In the issue I opened on the GHC bug tracker about this, I put some concrete numbers to this overhead:

Building GHC with profiling (and inserting all cost centres by hand to avoid optimization changes) reveals that GHC spends roughly 15% of its time and 17% of its allocations inside pprNativeCode. Now, sure, at the end of the day, there’s a lot of code to print, so any implementation is going to take a decent chunk of time, but the current implementation is very much not I/O-bound: only about 0.2% of the total execution is spent inside hPutBuf (measured via the eventlog, not cost centre profiling).

Clearly, this implementation strategy had to go.

Why did GHC do this?

One might reasonably ask why in the world the developers of GHC ever thought using its pretty-printer inside its code generation hot loop was an acceptable strategy. I don’t have any solid evidence that supports one particular answer, but after developing our alternative strategy and running into several challenges along the way, I think I can provide some educated guesses.

First, the simple convenience of using SDoc for printing should not be understated. GHC has grown a nice internal library for constructing SDocs of all shapes and sizes, and its implementation already does a lot of work to be reasonably efficient, given what SDoc is designed to do. It should be emphasized that it would be very easy to do significantly worse than SDoc in this regard: building up a big SDoc is still enormously more efficient than concatenating together a giant String.

Second, real effort was put into tuning SDoc so that it was at least serviceable for its use in the code generator. Prior to our changes, the SDoc renderer included a special mode (known internally as LeftMode) entirely dedicated to printing assembly. Furthermore, Simon Marlow added a special buffering optimization to the codegen printer in 2005, which reportedly resulted in a 10% reduction in compile time for non-optimized code, so it would be entirely unfair to say that nobody understood the importance of the codegen printer on performance. Indeed, a 10% improvement for compile times is more than the improvement we found with our patch, which suggests that the optimizations made to SDoc had already squeezed out a sizable portion of the performance available to be gained.

Third, and probably more importantly, SDoc’s ubiquitous presence within GHC makes it a powerful code sharing mechanism. Thousands of types defined by GHC provide instances of the Outputable class (which is like Show but provides conversion to SDoc instead of to String), and this is how a great deal of serialization logic has effectively been centralized. For example, the canonical textual formats for identifiers, package names, and module names are all implemented in terms of SDoc, and this ensures that they appear consistently in all compiler output. When GHC is invoked with the -dppr-debug flag, which enables more verbose and explicit printing, the effect it has on identifiers applies globally, in everything from error messages to debug dumps, because it all goes through the same code path. This is a wonderful thing, as it is quite a nightmare to debug a compiler issue if two different parts of the compiler are actually operating on the same thing, but they’re printing it in ways that look different.

Of course, much of this configurability is unimportant for the code generator, but many of the internal consistency requirements are still incredibly relevant. For example, when GHC generates code, every exported definition must be assigned a unique symbolic name that can be referenced from other modules and resolved during linking. Since native code objects have no notion of namespacing, GHC uses a name mangling scheme that prefixes each identifier with the names of their originating module and package, and this must be consistent with other parts of the compiler to ensure everything works smoothly. It would be quite unfortunate if GHC developers had to carefully keep two definitions of all of this functionality in delicate sync: one definition for debug output and another for the code generator.

Given all of the above, it’s no surprise that GHC has continued to use SDoc for so long: any replacement had big shoes to fill. Indeed, improving on the performance of SDoc while preserving its convenience and its utility as a common source of truth turned out to be something of a challenge.

The solution: a fast reimplementation of the SDoc interface

In principle, the solution was obvious from the start: we ought to produce an optimized implementation of a subset of the SDoc API. That would allow us to write code that is parameterized over the choice of implementation, achieving the code sharing we need while still permitting two different runtime implementations. In practice, however, getting this right proved remarkably tricky!

The core linguistic mechanism that Haskell provides for parameterizing a definition over a choice of implementation is typeclasses. Indeed, we can easily define an IsDoc typeclass with all the essential operations:

class IsDoc a where
  empty :: a
  char  :: Char -> a
  text  :: String -> a
  (<>)  :: a -> a -> a -- horizontal composition
  ($$)  :: a -> a -> a -- vertical composition

Then we can update all the shared code to use IsDoc instead of SDoc, and we can define a second implementation for use in the code generator. However, this simple approach runs into two problems: one semantic and one operational. Let’s take a look at each problem (and how we solved them) in turn.

Problem 1: Preventing misuses of IsDoc

It may not be obvious, but the above definition of IsDoc is unfortunately slightly too expressive. Here’s one example of an expression permitted by the above interface that causes trouble:

text "foo " <> (text "bar" $$ text "baz")

Remember that SDoc understands grouping structure, so given the above expression, it will automatically indent baz in the output:

foo bar

This is rather nice, but we don’t want our fast implementation of IsDoc to have to count columns or worry about grouping structure, so it can’t possibly handle this properly. Fortunately, it turns out that none of the printing code shared between the code generator and debug output actually uses vertical composition this way! After all, most of the shared logic pertains to printing things like identifier names, which are atomic units that will never be broken across multiple lines. This allows us to stratify IsDoc into two classes, one for single lines of output and one for multiline blocks:

class IsLine a where
  empty :: a
  char  :: Char -> a
  text  :: String -> a
  (<>)  :: a -> a -> a -- horizontal composition

class IsDoc a where
  type Line a = r | r -> a
  line  :: Line a -> a
  ($$)  :: a -> a -> a -- vertical composition

Single lines can be composed horizontally, but composing lines vertically requires first explicitly “locking up” each line using line, after which no further horizontal composition can take place.

The Line associated type relates instances of the two classes, and since SDoc supports arbitrary horizontal and vertical composition, Line SDoc is just SDoc. But for our optimized implementation, we define two distinct types, which we’ve called HLine and HDoc (where H stands for “handle”, because internally they really write directly to a Handle). This leaves us with the following instances:

instance IsLine SDoc
instance IsDoc SDoc where
  type Line SDoc = SDoc

instance IsLine HLine
instance IsDoc HDoc where
  type Line HDoc = HLine

Since the definition of Line SDoc is just SDoc, existing code using SDoc does not need to care about the single-line/multi-line distinction. But since HLine and HDoc are distinct types, the type system guarantees that two HDocs will only ever be vertically composed, never horizontally composed. This makes the problematic expression from above ill-typed, and the crisis is averted.

In practice, our final implementation is a little more elaborate than what is described here (we actually have a shared superclass between IsLine and IsDoc), but this communicates the essential idea. For the gory details, you can read the lengthy comment I included on the design.

Problem 2: Ensuring specialization

The second issue we ran into is one I’ve actually spoken about at some length before, namely the perils of relying upon typeclass specialization. To understand why this is so important, let’s consider the concrete definition of HLine:

newtype HLine = HLine { runHLine :: SDocContext -> Handle -> IO () }

instance IsLine HLine where
  text str = HLine (\_ h -> hPutStr h str)
  HLine f <> HLine g = HLine (\ctx h -> f ctx h *> g ctx h)

Essentially, HLine is just a function that writes its output directly to a Handle, and composition of HLines just applies each function in sequence. This is pretty much guaranteed to be faster than SDoc, since it does less bookkeeping, but without optimizations, it’s not nearly as free as we would like. To understand the issue, consider a simple expression like text "hello, " <> text "world!". If the uses of text and <> aren’t inlined, each call will allocate a closure, which is needlessly wasteful: we still end up creating a tree of heap objects like we did with SDoc. The only difference is that now they’re function closures rather than data constructors.

Fortunately, text and <> are very small, so GHC is quite keen to inline them. And after inlining, we get the following expression:

let f = \_ h -> hPutStr h "hello, "
    g = \_ h -> hPutStr h "world!"
in HLine (\ctx h -> f ctx h *> g ctx h)

GHC can then further simplify this by inlining the uses of f and g, leaving us with the following:

HLine (\_ h -> do hPutStr h "hello, "
                  hPutStr h "world!")

Note that we have ended up with precisely the direct, obvious, imperative function that writes two strings to a Handle! Moreover, the function has no free variables, so it does not need to allocate a closure at runtime. This is exactly what we want.

The problem is that inlining text and <> is only possible if they are used monomorphically. If we were to instead write

helloWorld :: IsLine a => a
helloWorld = text "hello, " <> text "world!"

then GHC could not possibly inline text and <>, as it does not yet know which instance of IsLine will be used! This is where typeclass specialization comes in: if GHC can see that helloWorld is applied at type HLine, it can generate a specialized monomorphic version. Unfortunately, this automatic specialization only works if the monomorphic use appears within the same module where helloWorld is defined. If it isn’t, then GHC will not specialize helloWorld, and these precious optimizations will never happen.

Sadly, the only way to force GHC to perform cross-module specialization is to use explicit SPECIALIZE pragmas on every definition you want to be specialized. This required adding dozens of pragmas of roughly the following form to various definitions throughout GHC:

{-# SPECIALIZE helloWorld :: HLine #-} -- see Note [SPECIALIZE to HDoc]

It’s a frustrating solution, but it does work,3 so it’s the one we eventually reluctantly accepted.

It’s worth reflecting a little on just how difficult this currently is to get right in Haskell. In other programming languages, programming against an interface and supplying multiple implementations is something that people do all the time without worrying nearly so much about the performance subtleties of doing so. In languages like C++ and Rust, specialization is guaranteed (since those languages never use dictionary passing), whereas in languages like Java, the JIT can dynamically detect monomorphic calls and specialize them on the fly. Both of these approaches have downsides, but they provide a great deal of utility, and they provide an important set of tools for writing efficient code without needing to break abstraction boundaries.

It would be nice to have some way to obtain similar guarantees in Haskell. One potential solution would be to allow attaching a pragma to the IsLine and IsDoc classes to request that GHC aggressively specialize all definitions that use them. Another approach would be to use a different parameterization strategy entirely, such as higher-order modules. (Sadly, Backpack is too entangled with Cabal to even consider using in GHC.) A full discussion of all the potential approaches and their respective tradeoffs is well outside the scope of this blog post, but it’s something I’d love to explore more in the future.

Final thoughts

Eliminating the use of the pretty-printer in GHC’s code generator in a way that both obtained good performance and was minimally invasive turned out to be a subtler task than we had initially hoped. Krzysztof and I spent a great deal of time trying different ways to tease apart bits of code that needed to be shared between debug dumps and code generation, and not all parts of our final design were completely satisfying. Nevertheless, I think the results speak for themselves: the NCG now takes a little over half the time and allocates as little as 20% as much memory as it used to for many Haskell programs. Since code generation is only one part of GHC’s compilation pipeline, the effects on overall compiler performance are not nearly so extreme, but they are still quite welcome.

There is probably more room for improvement in this direction. We have not yet attempted to extend our changes to the LLVM backend, so currently it still uses SDoc—replacing those uses of SDoc with uses of HLine and HDoc would be an easy win for anyone using the LLVM backend. For now, however, we’ve decided to turn our attention to some other parts of the compiler that seem more likely to provide a larger benefit for more people.

Finally, I’d like to explicitly thank Mercury for funding this work. Valuable as it may be, improving the performance of a large, complex codebase like GHC can be difficult and time consuming, so it is no surprise that it is a historically underfunded task. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with them in the future.

  1. Optimized builds are also improved by this patch, but the improvements are proportionally smaller, since GHC spends much more time in the optimizer but roughly the same amount of time in the code generator.
  2. Technically, GHC supports a sixth backend, the C code generator, which can be used on platforms the NCG does not (yet) support. However, GHC is not built with support for this backend by default, as it is really only intended to facilitate porting GHC to a new platform, so most users have little reason to know it exists.
  3. This isn’t quite the whole story, as our approach initially ran into some trouble due to a shortcoming in the specializer. Fortunately, SPJ implemented a fix, which should also make specialization more robust in general going forward.

About the authors

Alexis King

Programming languages researcher, engineer, and educator currently working on Haskell and GHC at Tweag. Her background is primarily in software engineering, but she is also an expert in algebraic effect systems and hygienic macros. She currently lives in Chicago.

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