
Incremental builds for Haskell with Bazel

23 June 2022 — by Facundo Domínguez

Building Haskell code with Bazel brings some benefits, like builds that are hermetic (i.e. easy to reproduce), caching which allows to switch branches in your version control system and still have fast rebuilds, and tracking of cross-language dependencies.

However, till recently, changes to the source code of a module in a library would require all of the modules in the library to be rebuilt, which could be a serious limitation when using Bazel to build frequent and small changes to the code. This was a consequence of Haskell rules only being able to express dependencies between libraries and binaries.

In this post we describe haskell_module, a new rule in rules_haskell, which allows to express the dependencies between modules. With this rule, Bazel has a higher resolution of the dependency graph and can skip building modules that are certainly not affected by a change.

Building libraries the old way

Suppose we wanted to build a library with only two modules. In Bazel+rules_haskell configuration this would be written as

    name = "lib",
    srcs = ["A.hs", "B.hs"],

This rule produces a Bazel action that ends up calling ghc something like

ghc -no-link A.hs B.hs

which would then be followed by another action to do the linking.

The inputs to this action are the compiler itself and the source files. Bazel ensures that dependencies are not missing in the build configuration by only exposing declared dependencies to the action, this is a strategy most commonly known as sandboxing.

The action above produces as output the files A.hi, B.hi, A.o, and B.o. Unfortunately, Bazel does not allow us to declare these files as both outputs and inputs to the compile action since this would create a loop on the dependency graph. The main consequence, is that we cannot take advantage of ghc’s recompilation checker, which would give the action the chance of not rebuilding an unmodified module, should the action be called upon changes to either of the modules.

Building with haskell_module

With the new haskell_module rule, we can write instead

    name = "lib",
    modules = [":A", ":B"],

    name = "A",
    src = "A.hs",

    name = "B",
    src = "B.hs",

Building with this configuration now creates the actions

ghc -c A.hs
ghc -c B.hs

which are then followed by the linking step. Because modules are built in different actions now, Bazel can distinguish that when only one of the modules has been modified, it doesn’t need to rerun the action to build the other module.

Further build parallelism

Now that the actions are broken down by module, it is possible for Bazel to run these actions in parallel. Consider a new Haskell module that is added to the library lib.

-- C.hs
module C where

import A
import B

We can express the dependencies between the modules with

    name = "C",
    src = "C.hs",
    deps = [":A", ":B"]

    name = "lib",
    modules = [":A", ":B", ":C"],

The dependency graph in Bazel now reflects the dependency graph implied by import declarations in Haskell modules. A first consequence of this, is that Bazel is now on equal footing with ghc to decide how to do parallel builds.

Furthermore, while ghc can build in parallel the modules of a library, Bazel is not limited by the library boundaries. Say module A comes from a library dependency instead of being in the same library as C.

    name = "C",
    src = "C.hs",
    deps = [":B"],
    # rules_haskell slang to express that ":A" comes
    # from another library (the other library must be listed
    # in narrowed_deps of the enclosing haskell_library)
    cross_library_deps = [":A"],

    name = "lib",
    modules = [":B", ":C"],
    # Other libraries with modules that might be referred
    # as dependencies in haskell_module rules.
    narrowed_deps = [":libA"],

    name = "libA",
    modules = [":A"],

In this scenario, Bazel can still build both modules A and B in parallel, while most build tools for Haskell would insist on building library libA ahead of building any module in library lib. And this difference stands even if module C uses Template Haskell.

-- C.hs
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module C where

import A
import B

$(return A.decls)

Now we tell to rules_haskell that C needs Template Haskell with the enable_th attribute.

    name = "C",
    src = "C.hs",
    deps = [":B"],
    enable_th = True,
    cross_library_deps = [":A"],

When bazel tries to build C, it still can build modules A and B in parallel. The effect of enable_th is that the object files of A and B will be exposed to the build action.

ghc -c C.hs A.o B.o ...

Again, it isn’t necessary to build or link libA ahead of building the modules in lib. However, as far as I’m aware rules_haskell is the first implementation to support this.

Keeping source code and build configuration in sync

It would be pretty annoying to update the build configuration every time we add or remove import declarations in a source file. Suppose, module C no longer needs module A.

module C where

-- import A
import B

Now our build configuration is outdated since it incorrectly claims that module C depends on module A. While removing the dependency in the build configuration is not difficult, we get little help from rules_haskell to detect and fix these situations that are all too common when a project is under active development.

To streamline edits to the configuration, Tweag has developed gazelle_haskell_modules, a gazelle extension that scans the source code and updates the build configuration automatically. Whenever the import declarations change in any module of a project, a single invocation of a command will update the build configuration to match it.

bazel run //:gazelle_haskell_modules

gazelle_haskell_modules will discover Haskell modules, it will update the dependencies of library and haskell_module rules, it will update the enable_th attribute, it will add haskell_module rules when new source files are added, and it can remove haskell_module rules when source files are deleted or moved.


When lowering the granularity of build actions, new kinds of phenomena enter the scene. If we start progressively diminishing the amount of work that each action does, eventually housekeeping tasks that we perform for each action will start having a cost comparable to that of the action itself.

One of the new outstanding overheads comes from sandboxing. There are different techniques to implement sandboxing, and it turns out that the sandboxing done by default in Bazel can account for near 20% of the builds when using haskell_module. This can be reduced by either putting the sandboxes in an in-memory file system (Bazel option --sandbox_base) or by reusing part of the setup from one sandbox to another (Bazel option --experimental_reuse_sandbox_directories).

Another source of overhead is the startup time of the compiler. When ghc is requested to build a module, it first needs to read the interface files of any imported modules, and may need to read interface files of other transitively imported modules. All this reading and loading needs to be done for every invocation, and when using haskell_module it can account for 25% of the build time once we have eliminated sandboxing overheads. The remedy to reduce the startup overhead is to use a compilation server or persistent worker in Bazel slang. By having a compiler running on a process that can receive multiple requests to compile modules, we only pay for the startup costs once. Unfortunately, implementing a persistent worker that handles sandboxing correctly poses a few challenges that still need to be solved.

Lastly, disabling ghcs recompilation checker is a limitation. If there is a change in a module M deep in the dependency graph, chances are that the change won’t become visible in the interface file of every module that imports M transitively. This is because interface files only account for some aspects of a module which are relevant to the modules that import them. At the point where interface files don’t change anymore, the recompilation checker would kick in if artifacts from earlier compilations are made available to the build process.

rules_haskell, however, has to provide the interface file of M as input to the actions that build every module that imports M transitively. This is because the compiler might need to read the interface file for M, and the build system can’t predict reliably whether it will be needed or not. If the interface file of M changes, then Bazel will arrange to rerun all those actions whether the interface files of the modules along the path in the dependency graph are changed or not. A remedy for this could be to use a feature of Bazel to report when an input hasn’t been used (i.e. unused_inputs_list), which at the time of this writing still needs to be investigated. Please, see the follow up post on the evolution of this issue since the time of this writing.

Performance assessment

In general, we found that haskell_module can build faster than haskell_library alone whether builds are incremental or not. The typical setup with haskell_library doesn’t try to use multicore support in ghc, and thus the finer-grained haskell_module rules would use more parallelism. For instance, building Cabal with haskell_library alone takes 2 minutes, whereas using haskell_module and 8 CPUs takes 1 minute.

When compared to stack or cabal-install, haskell_module can do faster on builds from scratch. This is, again, because Bazel can use more parallelism than the Haskell-specific tools, which usually would involve at most one CPU per package.

When doing incremental builds, though, both stack and cabal-install can use the recompilation checker, and for changes deep in the dependency graph with little propagation, haskell_module is not able to beat them yet. For changes near the build targets, or which force more recompilation, haskell_module would be more competitive.

Closing remarks

This project was possible thanks to the generous funding from Symbiont and their test bed for the initial implementation. In this post we showed how haskell_module and gazelle_haskell_module can be used to have incremental builds and more build parallelism than was possible with existing tools. In combination with gazelle_cabal, it is easier to migrate a Haskell project to use Bazel these days, and then to generate finely-grained haskell_module rules with gazelle_haskell_modules. We look forward to hearing from your experience with these tools and receiving your contributions!

About the authors

Facundo Domínguez

Facundo is a software engineer supporting development and research projects at Tweag. Prior to joining Tweag, he worked in academia and in industry, on a varied assortment of domains, with an overarching interest in programming languages.

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