
Porting libffi to pure WebAssembly

17 March 2022 — by Cheng Shao

As a part of Tweag’s ongoing effort to add WebAssembly code generation GHC, we need to compile GHC’s runtime system to WebAssembly. The libffi library to pure WebAssembly is an essential dependency of the GHC runtime: it is used to pass Haskell functions as callback to C functions. As the implementation of libffi depends on the platform, we’ve had to port it to WebAssembly.

This blog post introduces libffi, the challenges to make it work with WebAssembly, demonstrates our implementation, and also explains how it’s used by GHC runtime. I hope our implementation can be useful for other people porting projects to WebAssembly (especially wasm32-wasi).

What libffi is about

libffi is a C library that provides an interface to perform indirect function calls, where the function’s type signature is only known at run-time instead of compile-time. This is a common use case when implementing an interpreter that supports calling C foreign functions from the interpreted language. GHC’s bytecode interpreter is an example, we will need it to support running GHCi in WebAssembly.

Consider a minimal example. A C function fib is exported by the dynamic library

int fib(int n);

In order to call fib in their language, the user code would provide the library name, the C function name, and the expected type signature. Using the system’s dynamic linker, it’s easy to load the specified library and obtain the code pointer that corresponds to fib:

// library & function names can't really be literals, this is just for simplicity
void *lib = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
void *fib = dlsym(lib, "fib");

Now, we have fib as an opaque code pointer. How do we invoke the fib function, pass the arguments and obtain the result? Remember, fib’s type signature is not known at compile-time of the interpreter, so we can’t cheat by merely coercing fib to the C function pointer type and then performing the call:

int arg = 5;
int res = fib(arg); // not gonna work
int res = ((int*)(int))fib(arg); // cheating!

This is where libffi comes to rescue. It allows you to construct RTTI(run-time type information) for C functions, perform a function call using that RTTI and a run-time allocated argument vector, then obtain the result if there is any:

ffi_cif cif; // the run-time type information
ffi_type *arg_tys[] = { &ffi_type_sint }; // the argument types
ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 1, &ffi_type_sint, arg_tys); // populate the run-time type information

int arg = 5;
void *arg_vals[] = { &arg }; // the argument pointer array
int res; // the result value
ffi_call(&cif, fib, &res, arg_vals); // perform the call

printf("fib(%d)=%d\n", arg, res);

libffi and WebAssembly

The implementation of ffi_call is deeply platform-dependent. For each supported platform, it needs to implement to the C ABI’s calling convention: given a function’s type signature, where are the arguments/result placed (in certain registers, and/or on the stack), how to arrange the return code address, etc.

The problem is, WebAssembly C ABI doesn’t look like any other platform!

  • There are no global registers for passing arguments or result. Instead, a C function of type void (int, int) maps to a WebAssembly function of type (i32, i32) -> nil directly, each C argument is a WebAssembly function argument.
  • The only way to jump to a function given the code address is the call_indirect opcode. call_indirect requires specifying an expected function type at compile-time. It traps at run-time if the expected type doesn’t match the actual type of the pointed function.

This makes it hard to port ffi_call to WebAssembly: even given the type information at run-time, there’s no places where we can move the arguments/result around, and we can’t jump to a function without knowing it’s type signature at compile-time (if we do, that defeats the purpose of libffi in the first place!)

Code generation to the rescue

Given a code pointer in WebAssembly, we need to know the correct type signature at compile-time in order to perform an indirect call, but that information is only available in the RTTI. But it should be possible to do a run-time pattern match on the RTTI, then in each case of that pattern match, we know the precise type signature at compile-time:

void ffi_call (ffi_cif *cif, void *fn, void *rvalue, void **avalues) {
  switch(cif->encoding) {
    // argument & result type is both a signed int
    case (encoding_of((ffi_type_sint)(ffi_type_sint))): {
      // cast to correct function pointer type, then perform the call
      *(ffi_type_sint*)rvalue = (((ffi_type_sint*)(ffi_type_sint))fn)(*(ffi_type_sint*)(avalues[0]));
    // other function types follow suit

This way, we avoid the need for fancy logic of moving arguments and result, and adjusting the stack. We simply coerce the code pointer to the correct function pointer type and perform the call. It’s a pretty intuitive implementation, but the devil is in the details:

  • There are infinite numbers of possible type signatures. So we have to live with a limitation: restrict the maximum number of arguments to a small constant that’s sufficient to cover our use cases. What more, The case count grows exponentially with maximum argument count. Suppose we have k non-void value types and no more than N arguments, then the case count would be (k^N)*(k+1). So N must be very small (currently we chose N=4).
  • libffi supports many value types that model different C types, so even a small N would require a prohibitively large number of cases! Well, according to the WebAssembly C ABI, these value types are mapped to one of the four WebAssembly value types, so, for us, k is really just 4.
  • How do we pattern match on the RTTI? We can encode each type signature to a distinct integer and store it in the ffi_cif struct. The encoding_of macro calculates the encoding value, so we can implement ffi_call with a single switch statement.

Despite the limitations, writing this dispatch code manually would be incredibly tedious and error prone. It would also be terribly difficult to change N if the need for larger functions occurs. So we’ve implemented a code generator for it in Haskell.

libffi usage in the GHC runtime

In GHC’s runtime, libffi is used to support dynamic foreign exports to C. Here is a minimal example:

#include <Rts.h>

// instead of returning the result directly, we take a callback
// function pointer, which will be called with the result as argument.
void fib(HsWord x, void (*cb)(HsWord)) {
  HsWord a = 0, b = 1, c;
  for(int i = 2; i <= x; ++i) {
    c = a + b;
    a = b;
    b = c;
  switch(x) {
    case 0: cb(0); return;
    case 1: cb(1); return;
    default: cb(c); return;
import Foreign

main :: IO ()
main = fib 10

fib :: Word -> IO ()
fib x = do
  cb <- mk_cb $ \r -> putStrLn $ "fib(" <> show x <> ") = " <> show r
  c_fib x cb
  freeHaskellFunPtr cb

foreign import ccall "fib" c_fib :: Word -> FunPtr (Word -> IO ()) -> IO ()

-- Special syntax implemented with libffi
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk_cb :: (Word -> IO ()) -> IO (FunPtr (Word -> IO ()))

The GHC runtime needs to generate the cb C function pointer that wraps a Haskell function, and that Haskell function is a dynamic closure generated during program run-time. How?

  1. When compiling mk_cb, GHC generates a C function with the void () (ffi_cif *cif, void *ret, void **args, void *user_data) prototype. The cb callback’s type signature will be passed via cif, its argument/result will be passed via args/ret. But what does this function do, and what’s user_data? Read on.
  2. When mk_cb is called in Haskell, a StablePtr (immutable pointer to any Haskell value) is created and points to the passed Haskell function. The GHC runtime then invokes the libffi Closure API to create the C callback function, passing the StablePtr as one of the arguments. The resulting function pointer is returned to cb in Haskell.
  3. When cb is invoked in C, it calls the GHC-generated C function in Step 1. The StablePtr created in Step 2 is passed as the user_data argument, but keep in mind, user_data is not a argument of cb, it was passed to Closure API when generating cb. Now, that function will locate the real Haskell function from user_data and then call into Haskell.

Admittedly, the example above is overly complicated for a fib implementation in Haskell, but a lot of real-world C libraries do expect users to pass C callbacks, so their Haskell bindings rely on dynamic foreign exports. Searching for foreign import ccall "wrapper" on the entire Hackage yields about 4500 matches across 200 packages. It suggests that dynamic foreign exports is common and important enough for us to support. So we need to implement libffi Closure API as well.

Implementing the Closure API

The Closure API needs to return a C function pointer which points to a function that “remembers” certain arguments passed to the Closure API, but not to itself. This resembles the “closure” concept in functional programming, where a function may be closed over some environment value (user_data in our case), hence the “Closure API” name.

On platforms which support JIT (Just-In-Time) code generation, there’s a natural way to do it: allocate some executable memory, emit machine code there and return it as the function pointer. We can either hard-code the Closure API arguments into the function code, or access those arguments somewhere else in the memory, either way won’t be hard to implement.

There do exist platforms that prohibit JIT. In that case, libffi has a workaround called static trampolines: define a pool of functions to return, each of which has an associated memory location to record Closure API arguments. When the function is called later, it reads cif to decide its type and what registers correspond to its arguments/result. This is similar to ffi_call, except ffi_call uses the platform-specific C ABI knowledge as caller, but here it uses that knowledge as callee.

Our Closure API implementation follows the idea of static trampolines. However, the same challenge of implementing ffi_call arises again: we can’t have a single pool of functions for all possible types, instead, for each C function type we support, we need to have a separate pool. This also means that we can’t “allocate” a function without knowing cif, therefore we can only implement a modified version of Closure API described below:

ffi_status ffi_alloc_prep_closure(ffi_closure **pclosure, // ffi_closure records fun, cif, user_data
                                  ffi_cif *cif, // the resulting function pointer's expected type
                                  void (*fun)(ffi_cif *cif, void *ret, void **args, void *user_data), // the input function being wrapped into the closure
                                  void *user_data, // the closure's environment pointer
                                  void **code // the resulting function pointer
                                  ) {
  *pclosure = NULL;
  switch (cif->encoding) {
    case (encoding_of((ffi_type_sint)(ffi_type_sint))): {
      // XX is the encoded integer of the C function type
      // pass the metadata/function arrays for this type, and the pool size
      // return the metadata location directly, the function location indirectly
      *pclosure = ffi_pool_alloc(ffi_pool_closure_XX, ffi_pool_func_XX, 16, code);
    // other function types follow suit
  (*pclosure)->cif = cif;
  (*pclosure)->fun = fun;
  (*pclosure)->user_data = user_data;
  return FFI_OK;

// the XX type's metadata pool, zero-initialized
static ffi_closure ffi_pool_closure_XX[16];

// the XX type's pool, populated by pointers to generated functions
static void *ffi_pool_func_XX[16] = {
    ffi_pool_func_XX_0, ffi_pool_func_XX_1, ffi_pool_func_XX_2, ...

// one generated function in the pool
static ffi_type_sint ffi_pool_func_XX_2(ffi_type_sint a0) {
  void *args[] = {&a0}; // the argument pointer array
  ffi_type_sint ret; // the result value
  // perform the call
  ffi_pool_closure_XX[2].fun(ffi_pool_closure_XX[2].cif, &ret, args,
  return ret;

Similar to ffi_call, the Closure API C code is generated in Haskell. When calling the Closure API, we do a switch table to pattern match on the input type information. In each case, we know the corresponding pools to allocate from. The returned function pointer knows which ffi_closure it should be looking at, since each generated function has a 1-to-1 mapping against the ffi_closure pool.

Compared to the ffi_call API described earlier, we need to tune another constant here: the pool size of each supported type. This directly corresponds to how many times one may dynamically export a Haskell function for that type. In typical use cases, there won’t be many, but in case of exceptions, it’s easy to increase the pool size only for a few specific types to avoid code bloating.


Our libffi code generator is implemented in a flexible way: it’s easy to adjust the set of supported libffi functions types and the trampoline pool size, and special cases can always be added to address project needs.

There are some future improvements we have in mind:

  • Measure the code size, link-time and run-time overhead when supporting different numbers of arguments.
  • Test the basic/closure API on randomly generated function types.

About the authors

Cheng Shao

Cheng is a Software Engineer who specializes in the implementation of functional programming languages. He is the project lead and main developer of Tweag's Haskell-to-WebAssembly compiler project codenamed Asterius. He also maintains other Haskell projects and makes contributions to GHC(Glasgow Haskell Compiler). Outside of work, Cheng spends his time exploring Paris and watching anime.

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