
Setting up a shared build cache using Bazel

9 April 2020 — by Mark Karpov

Long build times are a productivity killer. Having to wait an hour or more for a large project to build after an initial checkout, having to wait again when checking out a new branch, and wait yet more after returning to the original branch, can be outright demoralizing. If there was a silver bullet, few would talk much about build times. You’ll want to bring to bear multiple strategies to solve this tough problem. I’ll talk today about just one strategy: make it so that build artifacts only need to be built once by anyone on your team and by the build bots. To achieve this, you’ll need a shared build cache. In this post I’m going to show why Bazel may be a good solution if having a robust cache shared among all developers is important to you, and how to setup such a cache.

Granularity of cache

Why bother with a Bazel cache if you are already using other caches, like the Nix binary cache, or Docker registries?

Nix is a great solution for caching system dependencies, that is, the code that your developers do not modify. Since Nix provides a per-package cache, a build may run for one hour only to fail because of a syntax error. In that case there will be no caching because the build did not succeed. Next time you would have to wait another hour to get to the same point in the compilation process and to learn whether you have fixed the problem or not.

On the other hand, Bazel caching is much more granular. Typically the cache works on the level of components or modules. That means that if you have a syntax error in the module X and all dependencies of X compiled successfully, recompilation will start from X or close to X.

Local vs shared caching

Bazel breaks a build into discrete steps, which are called actions. Each action has required inputs and expected outputs. Action outputs can be cached, so that running another build does not require executing all actions again. There are two levels of caching in Bazel:

  • a “local” cache for the currently checked out workspace,
  • an optional “remote” cache, which can be reused across all workspaces and branches no matter where and how many times they are checked out. If this remote cache is stored on a server, it’s possible to share this remote cache among all developers in your team and even with build drones used during continuous integration (CI).

The local cache can be sufficient for small projects. But you’ll eventually want to setup a remote cache as well. Having a remote cache, and sharing it, has multiple advantages:

  • After completing a build of branch mybranch1, all subsequent builds are instantaneous, even if you checked out mybranch2 in the meantime.
  • If CI and developers share the build cache, then builds of the master branch are always fully cached and therefore very fast, even after an initial checkout of the project by a new developer.
  • CI build drones can be stateless. They all pull from a shared cache to accelerate the build. If our cache is not stored on the file systems of individual nodes but instead is kept in a storage service that is re-used by everyone, we can switch to short-lived, preemptable CI nodes and cut the costs significantly. In other words, a remote cache allows us to separate computing resources from storage resources.
  • Initial build times after submitting a PR can be very low indeed. If you allow developers to write to the shared cache, then by the time the PR is submitted, the build will have been already cached if the developer ran a build on their laptop first.

Sharing a cache across multiple machines and users is usually a dangerous proposition. Shared caches have a knack for exacerbating the effects of any bugs in your build targets specification. For example, omitting to explicitly declare an input to a build action can lead to failed builds. But in the presence of a shared cache this can moreover lead to cache poisoning, which can lead to builds succeeding but producing corrupted build artifacts. Say a CI build drone executes a build action that needs A and B as inputs, but only A is declared. Then the output of the build action could go into the shared cache, and be reused by all developers running a build on their own machine, even if the content of B happens to be different on their system. But thanks to sandboxing of build actions, Bazel guarantees that if a build action succeeds, the set of inputs was correctly declared. So cache poisoning is much less of a concern when using Bazel.

Below I describe two ways to setup a remote Bazel cache in the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Both methods use GCP because Bazel has more extensive support for it. The first method uses a bucket for storage, while the second uses the experimental remote build execution (RBE) service of GCP. It is worth mentioning that it is also possible to use AWS for a Bazel remote cache and it has been done. More information about the flags used below can be found in the Bazel docs.

Remote cache with a GCP bucket

The first method amounts to setting up a GCP bucket and granting CI nodes access to that bucket. Bazel can then get access to the bucket in two ways:

  • When Bazel is run inside of a Google Compute Engine instance the --google_default_credentials flag can be used for authentication.
  • Otherwise --google_credentials=/path/to/your/secret-key.json can tell Bazel which secret key to use. The secret-key.json file can be generated for a service account using the GCP console, in the IAM & Admin section.

Then, the following configuration options should be used to tell Bazel to use the remote cache:

  • --remote_http_cache=<bucket-name> where bucket-name is the name of the cache Bucket.
  • --remote_upload_local_results=true makes Bazel upload the results of locally executed actions to the remote cache.

These flags can both be set on the command line, or in your user.bazelrc.

Remote cache using remote build execution

Remote build execution (RBE) for GCP is an experimental service in alpha mode. It provides:

  • A shared cache that eliminates duplication of effort across the entire team.
  • A scalable worker pool that reduces latency by parallelizing the build execution across thousands of nodes.

The second feature is outside of the scope of this blog post and can be challenging to use in practice because RBE requires the build rules you use to support remote execution, which is not always the case.

In order to enable and use RBE, one must join the RBE-Alpha-Customers Google group and follow the steps described in the official documentation. Once it is done, the following options should be passed to Bazel. Again, these flags can be set on the command line, or in your user.bazelrc.

  • --remote_cache=grpcs://
  • --host_platform_remote_properties_override='properties:{name:"cache-silo-key" value:"<silo-key>"}' where silo-key should be different for every unique configuration/machine.
  • --remote_instance_name=projects/<project-id>/instances/<instance-id> where project-id is the id of the project you created, and instance-id is the id of the instance.

For authentication, the same two methods work (either with --google_default_credentials or with --google_credentials), depending on where you run your builds.


Shared caching is an example where “correct” is a prerequisite to “faster”. Bazel’s focus on build system correctness pays back in spades when your project becomes large, because more aggressive optimization strategies to speed up your builds, like shared caching, become viable when they would otherwise cause a lot of pain. Comparing the two approaches we presented here for setting up a shared cache, the first one represents a more “manual” setup where you have more control (since you create and manage a bucket yourself) while the other is more like a service that is managed for you (RBE). Using paid services can be cheaper than having your engineers spend their time setting up and maintaining the infrastructure, even though in this particular case creating a bucket is also quite simple. When going with RBE it is also worth remembering that it currently works only in one region, us-central1 and so in certain cases you won’t be able to benefit from co-location between build cache and build drones.

About the authors

Mark Karpov

Mark is a build system expert with a particular focus on Bazel. As a consultant at Tweag he has worked with a number of large and well-known companies that use Bazel or decided to migrate to it. Other than build systems, Mark's background is in functional programming and in particular Haskell. His personal projects include high-profile Haskell libraries, tutorials, and a technical blog.

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