
Eager vs. Lazy Instantiation: Making an Informed Decision

2 April 2020 — by Gert-Jan Bottu

During my internship at Tweag, I’ve been given the opportunity to work on GHC alongside Simon Peyton Jones at Microsoft Research Cambridge (MSRC) and my Tweag supervisor Richard Eisenberg. During a visit at MSRC, I got caught up in a discussion regarding the lazy or eager instantiation of type variables in GHC.

This discussion serves as a great showcase for how language design works in practice: it is a hard and involved process where not everyone will agree on the same answers. In this blog post I will show both sides of the discussion in order to:

  1. Showcase the kind of tradeoffs that are made in language design.
  2. Clarify this discussion and its relevance for the Haskell language and its community.
  3. Make sure that you, as a Haskell developer, are sufficiently informed when you encounter the problems described here in your day to day life.

I thus wholeheartedly encourage you to visit the GitHub thread after reading this post!

You can find all the code examples from this blog post here.

What’s the Problem?

Over the past few months, we encountered the following three issues:


Consider the following example, where we define myConst to be a synonym for const, whose type is forall a b. a -> b -> a:

myConst = const

When inferring the type for myConst, the compiler instantiates the type of const, meaning that the type variables a and b get replaced by (potentially yet unknown) types. Afterwards, the compiler generalises this type, meaning that all remaining unknown types get bound using new forall binders.

But should the resulting type for myConst be forall a b. a -> b -> a or forall b a. a -> b -> a? There is no way for the compiler to know the intended order of the generalised variables. While these types look equivalent, they are most certainly not in combination with type applications. Should the type of myConst @Int be forall b. Int -> b -> Int or forall a. a -> Int -> a?

For this reason GHC only allows type application for user defined type variables, called “specified” variables. Compiler generated variables, called “inferred” variables, can never be manually instantiated, and GHC marks them using braces, resulting in forall {a} {b}. a -> b -> a. If you want to know more about this distinction, you can read my last blog post, which goes into much greater depth on the topic.

This means that myConst and const do not have the same type, which contradicts our intuition that they should behave identically.

Type Abstraction

While discussing type inference for type abstraction in lambda binders, another issue popped up, this time related to type abstraction, as discussed in this accepted (but not yet implemented) GHC proposal. Just as you would write a lambda binder \ x -> e to introduce a term variable x and bring it into scope in e, this proposal allows \ @a -> e to bind a type variable a and bring it into scope in e.

At the moment, the proposal only discusses this feature under type-checking, meaning that a type signature needs to be present. However, in order to extend this feature with type inference, things got a bit more hairy. Consider the following example:

foo = \ @a (x :: a) -> x

We would expect the inferred type for foo to be forall a. a -> a, since we explicitly abstract over a: a is, literally, specified. However, under eager type instantiation, the type for foo would actually be forall {a}. a -> a.

Nested Foralls

A third issue appears when instantiating types with nested forall binders. Consider the following example:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

f :: forall a. a -> forall b. b -> b
f x = id

g = f

We ask GHC to infer the type of g for us, and as you might expect from the myConst example above, the types of f and g are not identical:

*Main> :set -fprint-explicit-foralls
*Main> :info f
f :: forall a. a -> forall b. b -> b
*Main> :info g
g :: forall {a}. a -> forall b. b -> b

While typing g, GHC instantiates and generalises the binder for a. As a consequence, the type of g now contains a mix of type variables which can and can not be manually instantiated. This hard-to-predict handling of type variables is quite confusing.

This behaviour was introduced in a recent GHC proposal and is expected to be released in GHC 8.12. If you want to try this example for yourself, you can download our prebuilt GHC compiler using docker pull gertjanb/simplified-subsumption-ghc, and run it using docker run -it gertjanb/simplified-subsumption-ghc.

Eager vs. Lazy Instantiation

All three issues explained above involve type variable instantiation, so let us explore this in a bit more detail. When type inference encounters the variable f in the last example, a choice emerges when assigning it a type:

  • GHC 8.10 instantiates types eagerly, resulting in the following type: alpha -> forall b. b -> b (note that we use greek letters to denote types yet to be determined). Finally, generalisation produces for g the type forall {a}. a -> forall b. b -> b.

  • Another choice is to instantiate lazily, that is, returning the type of f as is, and only instantiating it when needed. The function g thus gets assigned the type of f: forall a. a -> forall b. b -> b.

A Silver Bullet!

Up to GHC 8.10, type variables have always been instantiated eagerly. However, lazy instantiation might solve our issues above! Let’s investigate:


When inferring a type for myConst under lazy instantiation, the type variables of const would not get instantiated, resulting in the inferred type forall a. a -> a. This is the type we would expect, and indeed GHC no longer treats const and myConst differently.

Type Abstraction

When inferring a type for foo under lazy instantiation, the user-specified type variable a does not get abstracted over, and the inferred type becomes forall a. a -> a. This is again the type we would expect for foo, and using this type as a signature works like a charm.

Simplified Subsumption

A similar story holds for our g example above. Since type variables do not get instantiated unless absolutely necessary, its type becomes identical to the type of f: forall a. a -> forall b. b -> b with no inferred variables.

… But Comes at a Cost.

Unfortunately, as pointed out by Simon Peyton Jones, lazy instantiation might not be the amazing solution we hoped it would be. While figuring out the details of how this should work in practice, a number of new issues popped up:

Case expressions

Type inference for case expressions requires the compiler to assign a monomorphic type to each of the branches. This means that the type can not contain top-level forall binders or binders on the right of function arrows. In order to illustrate this restriction, consider the following example:

bar1 True  = \ x -> id

bar2 True  = \ x -> id
bar2 False = error "Impossible case for reasons"

Under eager instantiation, the inferred types are as you would expect: when encountering id, its forall type is instantiated eagerly. This results in the type forall {a} {b}. Bool -> a -> b -> b for both bar1 and bar2.

The case of lazy instantiation is more interesting. The function bar1 gets the type forall {a}. Bool -> a -> forall b. b -> b. But by adding the catch-all sanity check in bar2, we are actually introducing a case expression, thus forcing the compiler to return a monomorphic type. The foralls get instantiated, resulting in the same type we get from eager instantiation.


So far the impact of our discussion has mainly been limited to type level differences. However, these type level choices do have an impact on the actual evaluation of the program. Consider the following example:

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

diverge = let !x = undefined in ()

Note that the bang forces GHC to evaluate x eagerly. We would thus expect this function to throw an exception. However, while this is certainly the case under eager instantiation, this does not hold when variables are instantiated lazily. This happens because the type of undefined is forall a. HasCallStack => a, and eager instantiation will instantiate the type a and the HasCallStack argument. Evaluating this instantiated undefined throws an exception, as we would expect. However, under lazy instantiation, the type of undefined remains effectively a function type (from HasCallStack evidence to type a), and functions do not diverge.

Implicit Arguments

The story becomes even more involved when we include GHC’s implicit arguments. While recognizing that this extension is not widely used, it remains important to take all the compiler features into account when considering changes. Take for instance the following code example:

{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}

x :: (?i :: Int) => Int
x = ?i

y :: (?i :: Int) => Int
y = let ?i = 5 in x

z :: Int
z = let ?i = 6 in y

Again, the choice of either eager or lazy instantiation determines the evaluation outcome. Similarly to before, under eager instantiation, while typing y, the type of x gets instantiated right away with ?i = 5. On the other hand, under lazy instantiation, this is postponed as far as possible. Concretely, at the very end when typing z, the implicit variable ?i has to be instantiated, in this case with ?i = 6. This means that z evaluates to 5 under eager instantiation (as most people would expect), but evaluates to 6 under lazy instantiation.

Compromises Have to be Made

I hope this blog post illustrates that these decisions are just plain hard, and ultimately quite subjective. Both eager and lazy instantiation are reasonable approaches and lead to type-safe languages. In the end the choice comes down to taste and desire for the best user experience.

After going back and forth a couple of times, we finally concluded that eager instantiation seems most sensible: while lazy instantiation would certainly solve the three issues described above, it unfortunately comes at too heavy a cost. Instead, we will just have to accept the strangeness of synonyms not behaving like we expect and shallow instantiation making some variables inferred while keeping others specified. Regarding type abstraction in lambda binders, to avoid the issues described above, we propose limiting this feature to type checking only.


GHC is made by the Haskell community, so it’s important that you’re informed about this discussion. I thus wholeheartedly encourage you to visit the Github page and continue reading about the topic.

About the authors

Gert-Jan Bottu

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This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.


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