
Safe memory management in inline-java using linear types

6 February 2020 — by Facundo Dominguez

In an earlier post about inline-java, a Haskell library for interoperating with Java, we discussed the hardships of coordinating the Haskell and Java runtimes and their respective garbage collectors. In this post I aim to walk you through the upcoming safe interface of the library, which allows detecting memory management mistakes at compile time using linear types.

Managing references in two languages

Recapping the discussion from the previous post, the most ubiquitous source of mistakes when using inline-java has been the management of Java references.

f :: IO Int32
f = do
  it <- [java| java.util.Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2).iterator() |]
  x0 <- [java| $ |]
  deleteLocalRef it
  return x0

In this program, it is a reference to a Java iterator, created by the first quasiquotation. The reference it needs to be destroyed eventually or the garbage collector in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) won’t be able to reclaim the memory it points to. This requires a bit of care. If the reference is collected prematurely, the behavior of the program will become undefined when the reference is used after it is destroyed. If the reference is collected too late, the garbage collector in Java might not be able to prevent memory from being exhausted in some executions of the program.

In general, the more resources a program has to manage, the more opportunities there are to get it wrong. Memory is a case of a resource which is used very often, and managing it is so difficult that we reach for garbage collectors, or tools like Valgrind’s memcheck to cope with it. But no such tool exists for the case of inline-java.

A shared garbage collector for the Haskell and the Java runtimes would solve the problem. But alas, we have two garbage collectors instead. Therefore, we are reduced to request and destroy references explicitly from the JVM runtime.

A language solution

The appearance, on the horizon, of linear types for Haskell brings the opportunity to use the compiler as a tool for checking resource management. When a function has an argument declared as linear, the compiler will check and demand that the argument is used exactly once. It turns out that this restriction can be leveraged to enforce some operations to occur in a specific order.

I’ve added a new memory-safe interface to inline-java based on linear types. With this new interface, our example would become

f :: Linear.IO Int32
f = do
  it <- [java| java.util.Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2).iterator() |]
  [java| $ |]

In a linear setting, the monad in which these operations run declares that the bound variables are linear and therefore should be used exactly once. This is the case of the reference it, which we originally used twice: once for reading the next element and once to destroy it. Because the compiler doesn’t allow this anymore, we adjust the meaning of the java quasiquotation so it deletes any references that it gets from Haskell before returning.

In this way, it is not possible to write a program that neglects to destroy a reference. Nor is it possible to write a program that destroys the reference prematurely.

f :: Linear.IO Int32
f = do
  it <- [java| java.util.Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2).iterator() |]
  deleteLocalRef it
  x0 <- [java| $ |] -- compilation error: 'it' is used more than once
  it2 <- [java| java.util.Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2).iterator() |]
  return x0 -- compilation error: 'it2' is used less than once

But what if we wanted to read the next element of an iterator a second time? The compiler would reject the following program.

f :: Linear.IO Int32
f = do
  it <- [java| java.util.Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2).iterator() |]
  x0 <- [java| $ |]
  x1 <- [java| $ |] -- compilation error: 'it' is used more than once
  return (x0 + x1)

To placate the compiler, we can duplicate the reference ahead of using it.

f :: Linear.IO Int32
f = do
  it1 <- [java| java.util.Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2).iterator() |]
  (it2, it3) <- newLocalRef it1
  x0 <- [java| $ |]
  x1 <- [java| $ |]
  return (x0 + x1)

Now it1 is used exactly once to produce two other references it2 and it3. They all refer to the same iterator, and each of it2 and it3 can be used to read an element.

Duplicating references like this is, arguably, undesirable bookkeeping to please the compiler. Eventually, I hope to take this overhead away from the hands of the programmer, either via GHC plugins or further extensions to the language.

Escaping linearity

A nuance of using a linear monad in this setting is that demanding every bound variable to be used exactly once means that even the integers that we are reading from the iterator need to comply. Integers certainly take some memory, but they don’t affect the JVM runtime, and they are managed by the garbage collector in Haskell.

f :: Linear.IO Int32
f = do
  it1 <- [java| java.util.Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2).iterator() |]
  x0 <- [java| $ |]
  return (x0 + x0) -- compilation error: 'x0' must be used only once

The fix here is to use the Unrestricted type, which allows the integer to escape the linear restriction.

f :: Linear.IO Int32
f = do
  it1 <- [java| java.util.Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2).iterator() |]
  Unrestricted x0 <- [java| $ |]
  return (x0 + x0)

The java quasiquotations can both take unrestricted values as inputs and produce unrestricted values as output.


Special provisions need to be taken to clean up resources in the presence of exceptions. Consider the following program, which uses an iterator with no elements to yield.

f :: Linear.IO (Unrestricted Int32)
f = do
  it1 <- [java| java.util.Arrays.asList().iterator() |]
  (it2, it3) <- newLocalRef it1
  Unrestricted x0 <- [java| $ |]
  Unrestricted x1 <- [java| $ |]
  return $ Unrestricted (x0 + x1)

The first call to next produces an exception complaining that there are no more elements in the iterator. The last quasiquotation will not execute. Even though it is responsible for cleaning up the reference it3! Without further measures, if the program recovers from the exception, it3 won’t be destroyed, and yet it will be unreachable to the Haskell runtime.

The current solution is to surround manually all uses of the linear monad with a function withLocalFrame coming from the jni package.

import Foreign.JNI.Safe
  (withLocalFrame) -- :: Linear.IO (Unrestricted a) -> IO a

main :: IO
main = withLocalFrame f >>= print

This function runs the argument in a local frame, a concept of the JNI interface. A local frame is a scope in a thread of the program. All local references created during the scope belong to the frame, and are destroyed automatically when the scope ends if they haven’t been destroyed yet.

In our running example, this means that it3 will stay alive until the exception reaches withLocalFrame, which will have it3 destroyed before propagating the exception.

There are safer and more flexible solutions to deal with exceptions, like resourcet or type-level monadic regions. Let me defer refining this aspect, though, until we gain some more experience with the safe interface.

Final remarks

In this post I have shown how the safe interface of inline-java helps avoiding the most common mistakes when managing references to Java objects.

We depend on the implementation of the LinearTypes proposal to be merged into GHC. But the safe inline-java can be used already with the forked linear-types-enabled GHC.

Linear types are not the first solution proposed in Haskell for resource management, but as we have discussed in the past, we still believe it is the most effective solution for integrating Haskell with the JVM currently.

About the authors

Facundo Dominguez

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