
Securely storing secrets in Terraform with terraform-provider-secret

3 April 2019 — by Jonas Chevalier

I want to present you a Terraform plugin for securely managing secrets that was written for Digital Asset, who kindly allowed me to open source it. The general idea of this plugin is to protect secrets by making use of Terraform’s state.

Terraform maintains the state of the world at the moment of a deployment in state files. In the case of multi-seat deployments, where several people work with the same infrastructure, these files are often synced into a remote storage like S3 or GCS. Every time Terraform is invoked, the state is fetched and maintained in memory. When the run is finished, the new state is pushed back into the remote store.

State files might contain sensitive information such as RDS initial passwords, TLS certificates or Kubernetes certificates from a google_container_cluster. For this reason, it’s good practice to enable encryption at rest and restrict access to the remote store only to the people responsible for deployments. Therefore when the remote store if appropriately configured, secrets in the Terraform state are relatively safe.

But how do these secrets get to the Terraform state? The simplest option is to keep secrets in the same repository as the Terraform code, and to pass them as environment variables. However, this is not a good idea, since anyone with access to the code would have access to the infrastructure. A better option would be to store secrets in a dedicated tool like HashiCorp Vault that allows fine-grained access control, auditing and dynamic secrets. However, managing a Vault instance takes time and operational knowledge that the team might not have.

This is where the terraform-provider-secret plugin comes in. The idea is to introduce a value-holding resource whose role is to store secrets. The resource is declared in code, and the terraform import command is used to import the secrets into the store.

This plugin brings many benefits:

  • No secrets stored in code. This means that we can share the infrastructure code with all the employees, which is nicely in line with the self-help principle of devops.
  • No secrets stored on the developer’s laptop. If it gets stolen, it’s just a matter of resetting their GCS or S3 bucket access.
  • Secrets are encrypted at rest in the remote state, if configured properly.
  • Auditable access. Each access to the GCS or S3 bucket can be logged for out-of-band breach correlation.
  • No need to send secrets over Slack.
  • Easy secret rotation.


The plugin depends on Go being installed on your system. Make sure to have $GOPATH/bin in your $PATH and run go get -u

If you are fortunate enough to be using Nix, the terraform-full package already includes the plugin.

Usage example

Before using this plugin, make sure to properly secure the remote state. More instructions on how to do so is available here.

To add a new secret, first declare a secret_resource resource in the Terraform code. It has no configuration options. In this example we want to store the DataDog API key:

resource "secret_resource" "datadog_api_key" {}

To actually import the secret, run:

terraform import secret_resource.datadog_api_key TOKEN

where TOKEN is the value of the secret token.

Now the secret is imported into the remote state and everybody with access to it can now read the value. The resource can also be accessed in the Terraform code with secret_resource.datadog_api_key.value.

locals {
  datadog_api_key = "${secret_resource.datadog_api_key.value}"

That’s it!

Secret rotation

In case where the secret gets leaked or an employee leaves the company, rotating the secret is also quite simple.

terraform state rm secret_resource.datadog_api_key
terraform import secret_resource.datadog_api_key NEW_TOKEN

Note: This operation is unfortunately not atomic.

Misc gotchas

To import multi-line secrets, make sure to escape them properly:

terraform import secret_resource.my_cert "$(cat my_cert.pem)"

If the secret contains binary data, use base64 to store the information:

terraform import secret_resource.gce_service_account_key "$(base64 service_account.key)"

and use the base64decode() interpolation function in the Terraform code to get back the binary value:

locals {
  gce_service_account_key = "${base64decode(secret_resource.gce_service_account_key.value)}"

These values are marked as “sensitive” which means that they won’t turn up in the Terraform logs by default. However, the “sensitive” attribute doesn’t propagate though references, therefore some precaution is required when referring to secrets.


Terraform is not designed as a security tool, unlike, for example, HashiCorp Vault. But depending on your security requirements, using it in conjunction with this plugin is strictly better than having secrets recorded into code. All the secrets are now stored in a single place which makes it easier to handle and audit.

I hope that this little plugin will prove to be useful in your toolbox.


Thank you to Digital Asset for sponsoring this work and releasing it under an open source license for the benefit of everyone.

About the authors

Jonas Chevalier

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